
Dynamically rendered
Shows holder's ETH address
Customizable message
Millions of combinations
Limited Supply
One year in the making
A whole lot of solidity code
Supply: 2k
Public: 0.05
Presale: 0.04
QR Code example image

How does this work?

We've implemented the  QR specifications in a solidty smart contract. This allows the NFT to represent any string (with a max size of 55 characters). After minting, the QR NFT will by default point to the holder's account. You can however set any string that you wish. Careful though each string must be unique within the collection.


How much is the mint price?
0.05 ETH for public sale. 0.04 For pre-sale.

Are you Doxxed ?
We are quite shy so we don't throw our names everywhere on the internet, however they're quite easy to find. Hint: We are two seasoned crypto devs working for crypto companies.

Why not free ?
First, this was a LOT of work. We initially thought it would be a fun weekend project, well... it ended up being more of a 50 weekends project. Also the mint fund are use to push a local initiaive in France which we call "Crypto Retailer", which aims at onboarding small commerce onto accepting ETH payments.